By either the astronomical or meteorological definition…SUMMER still has a few days to go.
However, here at Hall (1.15) acres…I’m calling it early.
To explain, I subscribe to the “Back to School” definition of SUMMER’s end.
In fact, this time of year, I pay less attention to the Solstice, and extra attention to Wal-Mart.
When they start selling more Elmer’s Glue Sticks than childrens’ arm “floaties”…it’s all over but the crying.
And…It does not matter that I have not had a kid in elementary school since Bob Barker left “The Price is Right”…
My wife is a teacher!
That is why a few weeks ago…it was important for us to try and sneak in one final trip before the vacation door closed.
Since we could not decide between the Hawaiian Islands, St. Lucia or paying the mortgage, we settled on a day trip to the lake.
We found a roadside park near the water. It was a perfect lunch spot with park benches and a beautiful view of the shoreline.
It was also home to the world’s largest concentration of fire ants. As I dined on a “What-A-Burger”…they dined on my ankles.
Within seconds, the unsympathetic menaces had laid claim to most of my right leg with intentions to conquer the other.
My wife retreated to the safety of our car to finish her lunch and watch as I audition for “Dancing with the Stars”.
After that, it was an easy decision to head back to the house.
Having used my burger to leverage my earlier escape…I was glad we made it back in time to start making dinner…and…in one final selfless summertime act…I offered to grill hot dogs.
The charcoal started to burn down while I sat on my patio, admittedly a bit melancholy over another season gone by.
It was at that moment that a tiny “buzzing” messenger arrived.
It was a solitary hummingbird.
Initially, it hovered in place just above my head. Then it began to dart to and fro as if transitioning…without a care…from what was…to what will be.
Like a miniature angel…this aerial master of many directions…arrived with impeccable timing…to serve as a positive example of how I might better view the passing of the seasons.
The PAST has its place. It is a treasure trove of memories and I draw upon its lessons every day.
In contrast…much of the FUTURE remains as unpredictable as the Hummingbird’s next move.
But, isn’t that what makes life exciting? Especially, if I allow myself to dream of the good things that have yet to happen.
It is within those dreams that the IMPOSSIBLE, the UNIMAGINABLE and the FANTASTIC reside.
So…farewell Summer.
Looking forward to what comes next.