Halloween is supposed to be a “scary” holiday, but this year, the scariest thing hanging around is the COVID pandemic! How can you and your family safely celebrate Halloween this year?
There are actually many creative ideas about this subject on the internet. I found one site that has easy-to-do and fun ways to enjoy Halloween 2020.
- Create a haunted Halloween egg hunt – Plastic Easter eggs can be converted into Halloween haunted eggs by using stickers or markers to add some Halloween images to them. Then fill them with candy or other treats and hide them for your kids to hunt. Afterwards, pop some corn and watch a family-friendly spooky movie.
- Organize a parade of costumes – Kids love to dress up in costumes, so why not have a parade? This could be just your immediate family or perhaps with cousins or close friends- social-distancing of course!
- Have a neighborhood decorating contest – Put up some lights, hang some spider webs, carve a few scary jack-o-lanterns – the possibilities are endless. Then on Halloween night, take a socially-distanced walk to see it all.
- Do a Halloween Door–Drop – Make some little Halloween goody bags to “drop” on peoples’ doorsteps. The bags could include glow sticks, fake spiders, candy or even things your kids can make like cards. It doesn’t have to be extravagant or expensive. The idea is to “create a simple surprise that brightens the Halloween season for the ones with whom you wish you could celebrate.”
- Host a Bubble Party – This is not about blowing bubbles; it’s about your quarantine “bubble”. You can party with the people in your house and the other people in your quarantine bubble. There could be dancing, karaoke, a costume contest, and of course candy.
- Get a visit from the Great Pumpkin” – Taking your cue from It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, hide candy throughout the house after the kids have gone to bed. The next morning announce that the Great Pumpkin came and the kids go on a candy hunt.
- Create a “Doll in the House” – This is similar to the Elf on the Shelf. You could use a spooky doll or if your kids are younger, a friendly ghost or pumpkin stuffed toy. Move it from one place to another after the kids are asleep. On Halloween morning, they might just find some sweet treats from the doll!
- Have a spooky movie marathon – Let everyone in the family pick a movie. Your marathon could start in the afternoon and go throughout the evening. The kids can dress up in costumes and make Halloween-themed snacks like mummy dogs and banana ghosts.
- Make a DYI treat calendar – You can turn a plain wooden advent-style calendar with little doors into some Halloween fun. Your children will enjoy decorating the little doors, and you will enjoy the looks on their faces when they open a door each day because you will have put some treats or surprises in it. It could become an annual Halloween tradition at your house.
Click here to visit the site and get all the details on these wonderful safe Halloween ideas.
– Becky Lynn is a writer for EllisDownHome.com. She and her husband Bob enjoy spending time with their 8 grandchildren and traveling. Becky loves cranking up the music and heading to the kitchen to try out new recipes or cook for an upcoming party. She is passionate about continuing to be a life-long learner!