Monday Motivation – April 18, 2022


Setting Policy

Now that your organization has Values, Vision, Mission/Purpose, and goals, it’s time to work.

Policy establishes organizational norms, procedures, and rules about how things are done. They codify and support corporate values specifying restraints (can’t do) and constraints (must do) or guidelines. It should be written and as short and straightforward as possible.

There are six fundamental reasons for establishing policy:

-Assign responsibility for execution- who’s in charge of operations, finance, safety, sales, etc.

-Explain organizational issues and programs- safety programs, training programs, etc.

-Establish guidelines and boundaries for operations-

-Assign authority and minimize the possibility of unauthorized actions- Establish lanes

-Facilitate decisions and promote consistency over time- Policy is relatively long-term.

-Keep records for future policy- Key decisions may require policy, and policy may require decisions.

There are a few basic rules for creating and implementing policy:

-Only implement policies you plan to enforce – if it’s important enough to put in writing, it needs enforcing.

-Ensure policy reflects organizational goals and values

-Make the policy and purpose clear

-Include key players in policy development

-Make the policy available to everyone

Policies make rules and regulations to effectively and efficiently run your organization. That means they must be well communicated and understood by everyone. So, the critical point is that policy connects your values, vision, mission/purpose, goals, and strategy to your operations. When’s the last time you looked at yours?

Remember, “all things are possible through prayer and heavy deadlifts.” ™



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