Monday Motivation – April 4, 2022


Developing Strategy

Fundamentally, a strategy is the plan to attain any goal. A strategy aligns ends, ways, means or vision and goals, plans and processes, resources and people in the military and business. So, it follows that an organizational strategy aligns your organizational performance and resources with your vision.

Developing the strategy requires knowing where you are now, where you will be going, and how to get there. It requires evaluating the cost to attain the strategic goal in terms of capital resources, analyzing the risks, and providing flexibility for new opportunities.

The strategic plan is a roadmap to the vision, goals provide the roadmap of decisions or actions to be taken. Every challenge requires an evaluation of risk and a solution provided by resources, people, and processes. We can’t assume away any challenge. Hope is not a strategy.

This week, look at your vision and your current situation, and ask the most strategic question, what do we have to do to get to our vision; start!

Remember, “all things are possible through prayer and heavy deadlifts.” ™


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