Monday Motivation – May 2, 2022


Physical and Health Goals

Lesson 1: Your body, mind, professional position and competence, and relationships change as we mature. You will have to review your strategy and goals as your life changes. We tend to ignore the spiritual and physical aspects of our lives and as such we tend to learn lessons “the hard way.”

We are tired, eating crap, and weak! We have a 42% obesity rate in our Nation, and over 70% of young people can’t qualify for military service.

If You want to improve your life, start with food, sleep, and exercise. Here’s a few recommendations:

Food- Eat as naturally as possible. Cut out added sugar and Drink 2-3 quarts of water daily. Eat all of your veggie and fruit colors. Eat quality protein at every meal.

Sleep – Adults need, on average, 7-9 hours a night. Do whatever it takes to get the sleep! You’ll have more energy, be more focused, and be more pleasant at work. If you snore, see a sleep doctor. Sleep apnea can kill you.

Exercise – Three words, strength, flexibility, and endurance. Building muscle will increase your metabolism, improve your immune system and just about every other system of the body. You can build muscle at any age. Choose something you enjoy and do it at least three days a week.

Medicine – Get a physical annually, take the prescribed medication, and be your own best advocate for your health.

So, set a goal for food, exercise, and sleep. Make it specific and measurable; write it and track it. Do it today! Remember, “all things are possible through prayer and heavy deadlifts.” ™


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