Monday Motivation – November 21, 2022

I start every day with two of my highest values, prayer, and physical training. Part of my prayer goes like this; O Lord, I am thankful today for your grace and mercy; the health and well-being of my wife and children; my continued healing, health, and strength; and another day to be with Annie, Michaela, and Jack. That we live in the best country in the world, we have a roof over our heads, money in our pockets, food on the table, our health, and the opportunity to contribute. And then more specific blessings.

I didn’t tell you this because I’m special but to remind us that We have much for which to be thankful and that Thanksgiving is about more than Turkey and football. Our great Creator, God the Holy Trinity, gave us, especially as Americans, a fantastic land, resources, and citizens to build this great Nation. Thanksgiving is about thanking the Lord for this Divine Gift. The best recounting of Thanksgiving I’ve ever heard is Rush Limbaugh’s True Story of Thanksgiving, so I’ve added a link below to the Rush video. If you haven’t heard it, make it a point because you may not have learned this in school.

I wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving!

Remember, “all things are possible through prayer and heavy deadlifts.”™

The True Story of Thanksgiving



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