National Bubblegum Day
February 7
Bubble gum goes back thousands of years. Scientists found a 9,000-year- old wad of chewing gum in Sweden. 100,000 tons of bubble gum is chewed every year all around the world. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest bubble ever blown measured 23-inches in diameter. By the 1940s, bubble gum had become so popular it was included in the ration kits given to U.S. soldiers. The average American chews an estimated 300 sticks of gum every year. Kids in North America spend approximately half a billion dollars yearly on bubble gum.
Wear Red Day
February 7
February is dedicated as American Heart Month and on the first Friday of the month people are encouraged to wear read to designate their commitment to the research and awareness programs to help lessen and finally eliminate heart disease and stroke. Today is the day to highlight your dedication to finding the cures by wearing red.
Today’s Birthdays of Note….
Garth Brooks – Singer – born in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Charles Dickens – Writer – born in Portsmouth, England