Money And Music -$- Through The Years

Ever wonder where all your money went to when you were younger? For those of us Baby Boomers, a big chunk has gone into entertainment and music. I recently tried to catalog all the 45’s, albums, eight...

World Food Day celebrated

Good nutrition is essential to lead a healthy life and for normal growth and development. A lack of regular access to adequate and safe food may result in hunger and food insecurity. The Food and Agriculture Organization...

Monday Motivation – April 24, 2023

When I speak with new lieutenants, they often ask me what their first battalion commander, the CEO, will expect from them. The answer is to LEARN YOUR JOB! That question caused me to rewrite my book to...


Vets & Pets

This page lists animal shelters, pet groomers, veterinarians, kennels, pet boarding and other...

Beauty Salons