
Upcoming Jury Selections For Ellis County

Bessie Coleman – Waxahachie’s Fly Girl

Get To Know

Her Story: Wanda Cain

Time To Get Bloody: Monday... At the end of every operation or exercise in the Marines, we do...

DownHome/Up Close: Bells Across America

It’s Constitution Week, and the local chapter of the Daughters of the American...

Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome: Monday... When I was a kid working on a project with my Dad, he...

Are You a Leader?: Monday... Over the last two months, I've spoken about character...

Doomed by a Life of...

The music industry has changed drastically in the past 10 years. Once upon...

The E.T. Phenomena

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial was a film directed by Steven Spielberg and released in...

Choose Your Hard, A Personal...

Welcome to Monday Motivation! My Dad lived a hard life and his philosophy...

Think Critically: Monday Motivation July... Leaders solve problems. They do many other things, but...

No New Year Resolutions? Try... Happy New Year! We all get a fresh start today, so did you...

Family: Monday Motivation January 29,... Anyone who has spoken to me knows how proud I am of my...


Vets & Pets

This page lists animal shelters, pet groomers, veterinarians, kennels, pet boarding and other...

Beauty Salons
