According To Hoyle Day / National Chop Suey Day

According to Hoyle Day

August 29

Edmond Hoyle (1672-1769), the English barrister and writer who was the author of several works on card games, was (and still is) cited as the final authority when disputes on the rules of card games arose. Hoyle was so highly regarded that numerous writers used his name on their own rule books even for games that had not been invented by the time of Hoyle’s death, so that his name became synonymous with any rules.

National Chop Suey Day

August 29

According to the Foodimentary website, chop suey is a Chinese American dish originating in the mid to late 19th century for Chinese immigrants in San Francisco. Many believe there are similar recipes in the Toisan region of China. A chop suey fad swept New York City in 1896 and Americans began to visit New York Chinese restaurants in large numbers for the first time. Chop suey consists of small pieces of meat, chicken or shrimp stir-fried with celery, onions, bean sprouts, water chestnuts, mushrooms and/or other vegetables, and served over rice, usually with soy sauce.

Today’s Birthdays of Note….

Michael Jackson – Singer – Passed at age 50 – born in Gary, Indiana

John McCain – Senator & War Hero – Passed at age 81 – born in the Panama Canal Zone


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