Humor is good, no GREAT!
My aunt used to say, “We are a family who laughs-a lot!” In spite of all the family turmoil I grew up with, there was a great deal of laughter. This developed in me a personality that loves humor. I am confident enough to be able to laugh at myself when I goof. I don’t mind admitting errors and then finding appropriate humor to deal with it. It is a God-given trait that has helped me over the years when I need to face unknown entities.
Research shows that laughter decreases stress hormones, increases immune cells and infection fighting antibodies. This helps improve resistance to disease. When you laugh, not just a giggle but the good old from the belly type, endorphins, the body’s natural feel good chemicals, are released.
The Bible endorses this as well:
“All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast.” Proverbs 15:15
Another good reference for the results of laughter and how it can heal can be found in the testimony of Norman Cousins. An American political Journalist, author, professor, and world peace advocate. Use of humor aided him in healing from a painful collagen illness. Google it and see for yourself. Quite a story!!
Benefit: Laughter is good medicine. Try it – you will like it.
“Hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outdoors.” – Norman Cousins
Find a way to have a good hearty belly laugh right now. Tune in next time when we will discuss, #3 -“Talk about it with others.”
– Terry Miller has over 30 years of banking and training experience with major banking institutions.12+ years as owner/principal of Terry Miller & Associates – a training and development firm. He spent 8 years as director of Pastoral Care with Waxahachie Bible Church. Terry is currently semi-retired. Continuing with self-employment directing Terry Miller & Associates, a consulting firm conducting speaking and training engagements, in addition to authoring and publishing 4 books.
If you missed the first articles on change, read them here!