Armed Forces Day
Third Saturday in May
Armed Forces Day was created following President Harry Truman’s signing the National Security Act, which consolidated all four branches of the military under the Secretary of Defense, in July 1947. The Department of Defense (DoD) is the largest employer in the U.S. There are more than 1.4 million active-duty personnel, 1.1 million National Guard and Reserve personnel and 700,000 civilians working for the DoD. The DoD owns nearly 30 million acres of land worldwide.
World Fiddle Day
Third Saturday in May
The May date was chosen to coincide with the 1737 death of Italian violin craftsman Antonio Stradivari. Most people say that the difference between violin and fiddle lies mostly on the bridge. Violins have an arched bridge so that each string can be played individually thus giving the instrument a clearer sound, while a fiddle has a flatter bridge because most fiddlers shave their bridge and flatten it so that two strings can be played at once. The earliest fiddles (or violins) were derived from the bow instruments from the Middle Ages. Of the original Stradivarius violins and fiddles made in the 8th century only a little over 600 still exist, making this instrument extremely valuable. In 1999, one made in 1707 sold for $3.5 million U.S.
Today’s Birthdays of Note….
Liberace – Pianist – passed at age 67 – born in West Allis, Wisconsin
Pierce Brosnan – Actor – 66 – born in Drogheda, Ireland