Bacon Day / No Interruptions Day

Bacon Day

December 30

Many people when asked their favorite food will quickly respond it’s bacon. Paired with eggs in the morning, a BLT for lunch or bacon bits on a fresh salad, there’s nothing like the wonderful taste (and aroma) of bacon and this day celebrates that fact. In the United States and Canada, bacon is made from the pork belly. Elsewhere in the world, the side and back cuts of pork are used. The meat is cured in either a salt brine or in a salt pack. It is then either dried, boiled or smoked. The Chinese were the first to cook salted pork bellies more than 3000 years ago. The word bacon comes from the Germanic root “-bak,” and refers to the back of the pig. The average American consumes 18 pounds of bacon every year.

No Interruptions Day

December 30

The last workdays of the year are a time to get lingering tasks done. No Interruptions Day was adopted to avoid push-back from other employees when you close your door, shut off your phone and don’t visit the coffee room.

Today’s Birthdays of Note….

Tiger Woods – Golfer – born in Cypress, California

LeBron James – Basketball Player – born in Akron, Ohio


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