Cereal Day
March 7
Today we celebrate a breakfast staple, cereal. According to the website, Factual Facts, the word “cereal” has its roots in Greek, and pays homage to the Goddess of Agriculture, Ceres. The first mass-produced breakfast cereal was introduced to consumers in 1863 and was called “Granula.” The main problem with this new invention was that it had to be soaked overnight before it could be eaten. Most of us are familiar with the three brothers that were conjured up to serve as mascots for Rice Krispies cereal, Snap, Crackle, and Pop. How many people know that there was once a fourth brother, whose name was “Pow?” Originally the popular cereal we know as Cheerios was called “CheeriOats.” And, when it came to one cereal’s creation of Tony the Tiger as a mascot, he was in competition with three other contenders: Elmo the Elephant, Newt the Gnu, and Katy The Kangaroo.
World Math Day
March 7
World Math Day is largest math competition in the world, with more than 4 million students from over 17,000 schools in 200 countries, territories and principalities expected to participate again this year. Which countries will produce 2018’s best mathletes? If your child’s school is not signed up to participate, click here for more info.
Today’s Birthdays of Note….
Willard Scott – TV Weatherman – born in Alexandria, Virginia
Ivan Lendl – Professional Tennis Player – born in Ostrava, Czech Republic
Tammy Faye Baker – Evangelist – born in International Falls, Minnesota