Earth Day STEAM Crafts

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Earth Day and every day is a good time to do some awesome activities and projects that focus on how we can do our part to help the environment by taking things we already have around the house and either reusing or re-purposing them instead of tossing them in the landfills.

Recycled Plastic Egg Carton

I don’t about you, but our recycling bin usually has at least one egg carton in it every week or so. If that egg carton happens to be made of clear plastic (not Styrofoam), there is a neat craft you and your kids can do. You will need the clear plastic egg carton, sharpies, a baking tray and few other things from your kitchen. After you cut apart the cups of the carton, it’s just a matter of coloring the insides of the cups with the sharpies and then popping them in the oven. Talk about a transformation! Click here to see all the details.

DIY Birdfeeder

This is such an easy and fun project to do. Recycle some of those more precious than gold toilet paper tubes and get started! Besides the tubes, you will need birdseed and peanut butter, plus string and a bamboo skewer or small dowel. Using a butter knife, smear the peanut butter all over the outside of the paper tube, and then roll it in a shallow pan filled with birdseed. Hang the finished feeders in the trees or tall bushes and get ready to do some bird watching right in your own backyard. Click here to read all the details.

Regrow Lettuce

When I saw this project, I did a double take! I had to check it out. You can use any type of lettuce that you have on hand. You only use the heart of the head of lettuce, so none of the edible leaves will be wasted. You essentially just put the lettuce hearts in a pan of water, being careful not to completely cover them in the water. Change the water every day, and in a few days you will see new leaves sprouting up from the hearts. In a week, you may have enough for a salad! Check it out by clicking here.

These are just a few cool activities I found, but there are many more.

To see what else you and your kids can do to help our environment, click here.


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