The world lost a creative advocate for the neighborhood and being a good neighbor at the passing of Fred Rogers. A generation of Americans were charmed by a mythical and yet real-life message of what it means to share and share alike.
Ellis County has its own developing story of reach out and touch someone. That story is told with real people and real businesses. Owners who are sharing a common goal and care for economic development, neighborhood charm, and community cooperation. A colorful wellspring of small business savvy, homegrown commerce, and neighbor to neighbor collective determination.

Farmhouse Furnishings, in Ennis, is taking an active role in promoting the spirit of small-town America and good neighbor presence at 108 South Dallas Street in the downtown area. Co-creating a magnetic appeal to a variety of shoppers means partnering with local businesses who share common goals and complimentary marketing. As far as businesses go, Adam Woldt believes that his store complements those around him. “I can relate to many of the surrounding owners. Everyone from the new home developer to my next-door neighbor who is an interior designer/portrait photographer. I’ve had people who own other businesses, like restaurants, reach out to me when they need the just right piece for a special area they are ready to furnish. So many businesses, I feel, coincide and blend with mine.” Support and encouragement are foregone conclusions in Adam’s experience. “Everyone has been very welcoming and hospitable. The mayor even stopped by and said she was glad we are here and there are big things to come for Ennis.”
Motivated by a passion for creative design and individualized style, Farmhouse Furnishings joined the symphony of around-the-corner businesses in December 2020. With an emphasis on contemporary farmhouse furniture, quality mattresses, and bespoke decor, Farmhouse Furnishings fits right in.
When I caught up with Adam Woldt (sounds like Bolt with a W), store owner and chief waymaker, he had just arrived from the warehouse with a full trailer of new pieces of furniture. The demand is high and the store is a lot busier than he initially imagined it would be. “Just the other day,” Adam shared, “a man who was relocating from Dallas stopped in, looked around, and left with a sizable purchase right off of the floor.” With an eye for detail and gift for sales and marketing, Adam believes he has found the answer to a heartfelt dream. “Our business structure is somewhere between Nebraska Furniture Mart and a custom furniture store.” Adam emphasizes the goal is to satisfy customer preferences that include custom-made—made based on the specifications of the person ordering it, as in a bespoke dresser or dinner table, as opposed to being mass-produced. “We offer unique pieces and are able to get them in large quantities to satisfy our customer needs, along with custom pieces we design and create in house. We plan, eventually, to manufacture furniture and furnishings on site to supplement what we are currently supplied through our deep reservoir of custom builders.”
Deeply devoted to family and faith, Adam draws on his close relationship with God to guide him in planning for the future. “I am always looking for opportunities that are set before me.”
Farmhouse Furnishings was an answer to prayer. “I suffered a good bit working for people who didn’t let me use my full potential to be creative,” Adam explained. He can express his giftedness now with free reign. “If I feel like moving some furniture around to make a different look or have an idea to change a piece, I can do it without having to get approval or trying to convince someone it’s a good idea.”
A trusted confidant suggested that Adam consider starting his own business. “He told me that the furniture business was a good business to get into and it would not cost a fortune to start. I decided to take the leap.” Adam went to work researching the industry and educating himself with what was necessary to succeed and profit from a thriving business, guided by a saying that he lives by, “Preparation is the key to success.” The search for a location that was just right proved to be challenging and time consuming. After going back-n-forth with the idea of a location that would have been more costly and came with no road frontage, the current location became available and settled the issue.
In his effort to follow his dream, Adam chose the name Farmhouse Furnishings because “I wanted a name that reflected what we offer.” The metroplex is a well spring of variety stores that carry rustic and modern furniture. Adam had his mind set on an offering that was refreshingly simple and enthusiastically unique. In a word, stylish. A little country charm with a sassy Southern swing. “I was determined to tap into my own creativity and showcase my version of Southern Charm. The hometown feel is what I’m after. I want people in the big cities to be able to escape the busy life and to take it all in while they experience all that Farmhouse Furnishings has to offer.”
As reflected on Farmhouse Furnishings’ website (https://www.thefarmhousefurnishings.com/), the store is designed with precise detail (even the smallest item on display), to attract and inspire the interest and imagination of each customer. From the first step into and throughout the downhome showroom, guests will discover keepsakes and seasonal have-to-haves. Lanterns and wall signs, barn to house milk jugs, and more. Corner-to-corner the store is full of inspiration to complete the feel of warm and welcoming in any home. From comfy pillows, cozy comforters, to unique hand-made wood and metal décor as well as a selection of quality mattresses made in America.
– Jim Sharp finds inspiration in the living journals of sojourners he meets along the way. He is a contributing story sharer and writer for Ellis DownHome. Jim and his wife, Kathleen, are native Texans active in family and faith. They enjoy gardening, home improvement, outdoor anything, and national/international travel, discovery, and service.