New Orleans is always rocking, but it is much more than Mardi Gras and Bourbon Street. The following Internet sites give you some resources to discover a lot more to do, see and enjoy in the Big Easy.
Something is always happening in New Orleans
Few cities in the world tantalize all your senses like New Orleans. The aroma of Cajun cooking, the sounds of lively music, the tastes of French cuisine, the bumping hips dancing in the streets…its all happening at once everywhere, every hour of the day and night. To find out what’s happening month-to-month CLICK HERE
The Streets are Alive with the Sounds of Music
Although there are plenty of bars to hear country to jazz music everywhere in the French Quarter, the best sounds often come from the street musicians who use side streets as their stage. Learn where many of the locations where the street bands or solo artists will be performing by CLICK HERE
The Legendary Grampa Elliot
There are some really talented musicians belting out the blues along the streets of the French Quarter. However, possibly the best is Grampa Elliot, a blind harmonica player who usually sits at the corner of Royal at Toulouse and sings raspy, soulful songs which will bring moist eyes one moment and have you dancing in the street the next. To find out more about Grampa Elliot CLICK HERE
Where do the Local go to hear Jazz?
There was a time decades ago that Bourbon Street had one nightclub next to the other where bands whooped it up all night long with great jazz. Those times are gone and now you have to find the wonderful jazz musicians in little clusters of nightclubs other places than Bourbon Street. If you want to see a list of what jazz bands are playing where on any given night CLICK HERE
Share your favorite places in New Orleans like Lafitte’s, reputed to be the oldest bar structure in the U.S., or Acme, the city’s oldest oyster bar. We would love to hear about your unique stops and shops in NOLA.