Identity Crisis is a period of uncertainty and confusion in which a person’s sense of identity becomes insecure, typically due to a change in their expected aims or role in society.
Too often we find ourselves stressed out trying to measure up to someone else’s expectations of us. We must learn to be ONLY that which God desires for us to be and stop wasting time perfecting a false identity.
We must learn to stop competing with one another and to stop competing with one’s expectation of us. God created us each with our different gifts and talents to compliment each other.
“The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So, it is with the body of Christ.” – 1 Corinthians 12:12
When others receive blessings or opportunities, we do not need to feel threatened or out done, God has more than enough to spread around to all His children and He also has a blessing exclusively engineered for you. A blessing with your name on it!
Listen, sometimes to become all that God wants you to be, you must un-become some of that which you have become chasing other approvals.
Stop losing your identity in search for someone else’s. Be the best version of you! Know who you are and whose you are.
God made no mistakes when He designed and purposed you. Know that you are awful at being everything outside of your God given purpose. It is time for the identity crisis to end.
I want to ONLY be ALL that God created me to be, what about you?
God bless you,
Pastor Cooper
– Adrian is a life-long Waxahachie native. He is the pastor of Waxahachie Life Church and the owner of Future Generations Christian Child Care Center. He is passionate about the youth in our communities, and believes that investing in them is investing in the future. He and his wife, Marquita are raising 4 handsome boys.