I don’t know about you, but I am so ready for spring! As I write this, it is frigid and snowy, so it’s a little early to start a spring garden outside, but not inside! You and your family can get a head start on spring by planting an indoor bulb garden.
You only need some bulbs such as daffodil, tulip, narcissus or hyacinth, a clear container and some pebbles or clear marbles to get started. A combination of bulbs makes it even better! The website, Fun at Home with Kids has a good article that gives great tips for making a hydroponic bulb garden. You basically just put pebbles or marbles in a clear container and fill it with water just to the top of the rocks or marbles. Set the root end of the bulb so its roots are in the water, but not the bulb so it won’t rot. Place your bulb garden in a sunny window and get ready for magic to happen!
Bulbs are fun to grow because once they sprout, they are almost like Jack in the Beanstalk! It seems like they can grow several inches in a week. The kids will be amazed! When the flowers finally bloom there is an extra bonus – the beautiful scent of spring flowers even before it’s spring!
Such a simple, but fun family activity. Check out all the details by clicking here.
– Becky Lynn is a writer for EllisDownHome.com. She and her husband Bob enjoy spending time with their 8 grandchildren and traveling. Becky loves cranking up the music and heading to the kitchen to try out new recipes or cook for an upcoming party. She is passionate about continuing to be a life-long learner!