It’s Snowing!

When you live in our part of Texas, the chances of seeing snow falling from the sky are pretty slim.  That doesn’t mean your children can’t play with snow- well, okay, fake or pretend snow! Making up a batch or two of fake snow would be a great companion activity to go along with the polar bear lesson called What Am I? on this site under At-Home Lessons.

Kids Play and Create

The Kids Play and Create site has DIY snow recipes. There are several recipes for pretend snow which can be used for sensory and craft activities as well as just fun playtime.

There are also recipes for making snow clay that can be used just like play dough. Most of the recipes use ingredients like corn starch, baking soda, glue and glitter.

You and your children can make snow paint with school glue and shaving cream, and you can actually paint with it. When it dries, it will look like puffy paint.

And just in case we really do get snow sometime, there is a recipe for snow paint where the kids can paint pictures in real snow!

This great site can be accessed by clicking here.

Please let us know how your snow turned out!


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