Two special days are coming up: my son’s graduation and commissioning and Mother’s Day. My son will graduate from Texas A&M on Thursday and be commissioned a Second Lieutenant of Marines on Friday. I couldn’t be prouder of the man and leader he has become. I am confident he will be the Warrior-Leader-Patriot Marine Officers must be as chivalric knights of the Republic. He believes in the values of the Declaration and Constitution and, by his oath, will carry those values into action against all enemies, foreign and domestic. He understands that God has endowed all men with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That principle makes America different, and American Patriots are men and women of faith because God establishes those rights.
Our American Patriots are raised by Mothers who imbue these principles in their children. My Mom was a Patriot. She served in World War II and ensured that my brothers and sisters and I were self-reliant, responsible, and believed in the values of our Republic. My wife, Annie, has likewise served in the Navy, Marine Wife, and Mother for 30 years. Through ten moves, two foreign countries, multiple deployments, club gymnastics, travel soccer, and numerous schools, Annie ensured our children’s health, education, and welfare were a high priority. My daughter painted a picture several years ago for Annie; it says, “All I am or hope to become I owe to my mother.” I wholeheartedly agree.
So, on Sunday, call your Mom and say thanks! And join me in a toast to my son, “God bless the United States, and Success to the Marines! if you need help, set up a call at the link
https://connallyconsulting.com/contact Remember, “all things are possible through prayer and heavy deadlifts.”™