A roller coaster with screaming people and a huge Ferris wheel greeted us as we walked up to the Kemah Boardwalk for an entertaining evening with friends. Due to hurricanes and expansion, Kemah, less than an hour drive from downtown Houston, had changed since our last visit.
Sure enough, everything is now bigger and better. We took advantage of the beautiful weather to stroll along the Boardwalk, passing barkers and carnival games that try to seduce us to play and win. We took a few minutes to watch the large, and small, boats traveling quickly along the waterway. Of course, we had to return the waves of the sunburned passengers as they sailed by us.
As we watched the water, we also saw the Boardwalk Beast coming in, but we decided that was not for us. The Beast is marketed as a “25-minute thrill ride” during which time riders will be “blasted with wind, music and entertainment.” Somehow being windblown and wet didn’t seem to be a good idea when we sat down for dinner. The stroll on the Gulf of Mexico shore was just fine for us.
Since we did not have small children with us, we didn’t take the train or ride the tilt-a-whirl, but we enjoyed watching the kids have fun. Not all the fun is on rides. The Stingray Reef offers visitors the opportunity to pet and feed stingrays, a first for many people. (There is a cost for every experience.)
And then, time for dinner. The restaurants in the area were good about taking reservations and the lines were long for people who didn’t have them. The choices for food are numerous. Visitors can snack on funnel cakes and popcorn while strolling the Boardwalk or enjoy a sit-down meal at numerous places. There are burgers, steaks, Tex-Mex, and of, course, seafood options available.
The Aquarium is another alternative that provides views of all sorts of fish while you are eating. The 50,000 gallon aquarium is stocked with sharks, a variety of fish, and stingrays. The constant movement keeps children enthralled while dining.
There are hotels and cabins near or on the Kemah Boardwalk, but we have always simply visited Kemah as a day trip from Houston. Whatever you decide, Kemah is a great place to spend a day shopping, strolling, playing and eating.
– Candace Ahlfinger has loved traveling since she was little and has always been on the go whenever possible. Now she is retired and gets to do what she loves best… TRAVEL! Whether it’s traveling with her wonderful husband, or our children and grandchildren, traveling is a great experience that enriches her life. Because she always enjoys reading and hearing about others’ travel experiences, she wants to share her travels with the Ellis DownHome readers.