If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36 (KJV)
Do you and I have Freedom? In Christ, are we free to continue in sin and do anything we choose without consequences? Faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior gives us a lot of latitude and freedom to do as we please or desire!
Well, let’s think about that. Does that mean we can rob, steal, or harm others without taking responsibility for our actions? Hardly. When we accept Christ as our true Savior for eternal salvation, it comes with certain expectations for commitment. We agree to follow those guidelines to walk the talk and live our lives in such a way as to announce to the world, “I am a faithful believer and adhere to Christ’s teachings.”
Do we fail? Of course! When we do, we are free to go to our Father and ask for forgiveness. The Bible teaches He is just and fair to say, “you are forgiven.” We may still have to pay the consequences for our actions, but our forgiveness from Him remains intact.
In America, we are blessed to enjoy “Freedom”, but not without a cost. A few years ago, my grandsons were visiting us at “Camp Grandpa”, a summer tradition. I took them on a field trip to the National Cemetery in Grand Prairie. As we drove through those hallowed gates, it was not long before the scenery became filled with white crosses. A strange quiet engulfed the car. I broke the silence by asking the guys, “Do you know what those crosses represent? Each marker is a symbol of a life given so we can continue to enjoy our freedom.”
When we see the cross where Christ died, it signifies the price He paid so we can have freedom for the payment of our sins IF we believe and trust in Him for eternal salvation. If you have not done so, I implore you, today accept Him as your personal Savior. Already have? How about showing Love Your Neighbor by sharing your faith with them.
– Terry Miller has over 30 years of banking and training experience with major banking institutions.12+ years as owner/principal of Terry Miller & Associates – a training and development firm. He spent 8 years as director of Pastoral Care with Waxahachie Bible Church. Terry is currently semi-retired. Continuing with self-employment directing Terry Miller & Associates, a consulting firm conducting speaking and training engagements, in addition to authoring and publishing 4 books.