Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and prophets. – Matthew 7:12 – KJV
This verse may be summarized in a more familiar passage to read, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” This is the Golden Rule and worthy to be followed as a way of life. There is value in having this kind of respect and caring attitude for one another.
You may ask, if we practice this, what is the value? Selfishly, it may mean, “you scratch my back, I will scratch yours.” Should we not think that if we strive for respect FROM others, we should also show respect TOWARD others.
Perhaps we can show grace toward others without expectations of how WE can benefit by doing good. Below are some ideas for how to make other’s lives a little bit brighter.
– Be the initiator of a greeting by sharing a smile
– Share a meal for one in need
– Send a card with a hand-written message to show you CARE
– Call someone to let them know you are thinking of them
– Pray for someone who is struggling – better yet pray WITH them
– Text or email one who has a need with this comment: I care about you and just prayed for you
– Say little words that show politeness: Thanks, please
– Compliment someone in a meaningful way
– React with compassion when someone is rude or inconsiderate – you never know what people are going through
You WILL receive a blessing from doing the little things for someone else as long as you do it without expecting something in return. Let God be the motivator and the Guide of your actions. Try one of the above suggestions this week and see the difference you can make by Loving Your Neighbor.
God bless ya real good!!
-Terry Miller has over 30 years of banking and training experience with major banking institutions.12+ years as owner/principal of Terry Miller & Associates – a training and development firm. He spent 8 years as director of Pastoral Care with Waxahachie Bible Church. Terry is currently semi-retired. Continuing with self-employment directing Terry Miller & Associates, a consulting firm conducting speaking and training engagements, in addition to authoring and publishing 4 books.