“And whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
NIV – John 11:26
Live, work, laugh, die – then what? Is that all there is to life? You were born of dust, then you return to dust. If that’s it, then why did Christ die on the cross for US? His death was for a purpose, that we might have hope in knowing, we will live again – with Him in Heaven.
Background: Word came to Jesus that Martha’s brother was ill. By the time He got the word, Lazarus was already dead. He delayed a few days before returning to Bethany – actually it was four days after Lazarus’ burial. Why the delay? Jesus weeps along with the mourning sisters. But wait, there’s more!
First, Jesus wept! He felt what we feel as humans who experience the loss of a loved one. Feelings are real and a part of of dealing with not having that person here on earth. It is a sad time, but not a permanent loss IF we believe in eternal life.
Second, we see a miracle. This is the seventh of John’s seven “signs” of Jesus’ divine power. He raised Lazarus from the dead! Why? Believing is assurance that Jesus had power over death. Though we die, we live IF we have faith in Him who came that we might have life again.
Life is a relationship with the Son, both on earth and in heaven. Life in Christ means, even during trials, we can have joy here on earth. By trusting in Jesus, we can praise our time of fellowship now and forevermore. Share this with your neighbor by showing LOVE for LIFE!
-Terry Miller has over 30 years of banking and training experience with major banking institutions.12+ years as owner/principal of Terry Miller & Associates – a training and development firm. He spent 8 years as director of Pastoral Care with Waxahachie Bible Church. Terry is currently semi-retired. Continuing with self-employment directing Terry Miller & Associates, a consulting firm conducting speaking and training engagements, in addition to authoring and publishing 4 books.