National Biscuits and Gravy Day
December 14
A traditional breakfast fare in the South, flour biscuits are served with sausage or sawmill gravy mixed in the drippings of cooked pork sausage and flavored with black pepper. The dish was commonplace slightly after the Revolutionary War because of the simplicity of preparing it and its inexpensive cost. The word biscuit is derived from a Latin root “bis” which means “twice” and “coquere” or “coctus” (to cook, cooked), since biscuits originally were cooked in a two-step process, first baked and then dried in an oven.
International Monkey Day
December 14
Today is a worldwide occasion to celebrate endangered primates in general and monkeys in particular. Monkeys range in size from 5 inches long (plus a 7” tail) and weighing 4-ounces to ones weighing as much as 77 pounds and 3-feet long tail. According to FactRetriever.com, “humans did not come from monkeys. Rather, humans and monkeys share a common ancestor 25-30 million years ago and then evolved from this animal in various different ways.”
Today’s Birthdays of Note….
Nostradamus – Astrologer & Seer – born in 1503 in Provence, France
Lee Remick – Actress – born in Quincey, Massachusetts