National Camping Month
June 7
Over 42 million Americans, 14% of the U.S. population, go camping each year. Millennials go camping more than any other age group. They cite a love of outdoor activities, an appreciation of nature, a love of music festivals, and a love of sharing photos on social media as motivations for camping. When you go campaign you don’t always need a fancy gadget to tell you how hot or cold it is. During the spring and summer months, you can calculate the temperature by listening to a chirping cricket. Simply count the number of chirps you hear in 14 seconds. Then, add 40 to that number to find out the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
National Frozen Yogurt Day
June 7
Yogurt has been around for thousands of years; frozen yogurt was introduced in the 1970s. Frozen yogurt contains lots of vitamins, minerals and other healthy attributes such as protein, calcium, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and riboflavin.
Today’s Birthdays of Note….
Prince – Singer – born in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Dean Martin – Singer & Actor – born in Steubenville, Ohio