National Champagne Day
December 31
Popping the Bubbly is a tradition for New Year’s Eve, so it makes sense to have this day dedicated to champagne. Yeast and sugar are added to wine in a second fermentation process which produces the bubbles. In a 750 ml bottle of Champagne, there are 49 million bubbles. The most expensive bottle of champagne sold for $2.07 million. It took 305 bottles of champagne to fill up the tub in which Marilyn Monroe took a bath. A bottle of champagne has 90 pounds of pressure per square inch when corked which is 3 times that of an average automobile tire.
Make Up Your Mind Day
December 31
According to Days Of The Year.com, Make Up Your Mind Day is a promise to yourself to have “no excuses, no procrastination, no ands, ifs or buts… this is your chance to stop putting things off for fear of the responsibility of get things done. And what is a better day to do this than New Year’s Eve.”
Today’s Birthdays of Note….
John Denver – Singer – passed at age 53 – born in Roswell, New Mexico
Donna Summer – Singer – passed at age 63 – born in Boston, Massachusetts