National Espresso Day
November 23rd
The term espresso means fast in Italian. The process was invented by Luigi Bezzera, an Italian who developed a way to speed up the process of making coffee by adding steam to the brewing method. In 1905, Desidero Pavoni purchased the rights to Bezzera’s machine and promoted the stronger, more robust coffee. It became very popular and more than 30 million American drink specialty coffee every day. There are an estimated 24,000 coffee shops in the U.S.
National Cashew Day
November 23rd
Americans eat 90% of all the cashews sold in the world. Cashews are never sold in their shell because they are in the same family as poison ivy and poison sumac. Cashews are native to Brazil, however, when Portuguese sailors discovered them then brought them to India which is now the leading producer of the crop.
Today’s Birthdays of Note….
Mylie Cyrus – Singer/Actress – born in Nashville, Tennessee
Billie the Kid – Outlaw – born in New York City, New York