National Substitute Teachers Day
November 22
As part of National Education Week, substitute teachers are recognized the third Friday of every November. This day when replacement teachers are honored was established by the NEA in 2003. According to the NEA “substitutes are the educational bridges when regular classroom educators are absent. They are called early in the morning, take over lessons with short notice, and ensure that quality education is maintained in our classrooms.” This is a day to show your appreciation to substitute teachers.
John Kennedy Assassinated
November 22, 1963
Newly appointed president, Lyndon Johnson, declared November 25, 1963 as a national day of mourning for John Fitzgerald Kennedy. His body was transported from the Congress Rotunda by a horse-drawn caisson to St. Matthew’s Catholic Church for a requiem mass and then proceeded to Arlington Cemetery along streets lined with thousands of citizens. Leaders of 99 nations attended the services. JFK was the 35th President of the united States and was 46 years old at the time of his death.
Today’s Birthdays of Note….
Charles de Gaulle – President of France – born in Lille, France
Billie Jean King – Tennis Player – born in Long Beach California