National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day / National Sangria Day

National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

December 20 (usually the 3rd Friday in December)

This day is exactly what it states …. a day to wear the ugliest Christmas sweat you own or can find. It has grown in popularity since its inception in 2011 when it was launched as a fund-raising event to provide food and toys for underprivileged children. You can accomplish the same noble intentions by having an Ugly Christmas Sweater Day with friends, your church or company. Participants pay a fee to take part and the funds are donated. It’s fun and rewarding.


National Sangria Day

December 20

Sangria is named after the Spanish word “sangre” which comes from the Portuguese word for “blood” because it is generally made with red wine. Sangria’s origins probably date back to the Middle Ages, during a time when water was unhealthy to drink and drinking fermented beverages carried a much lower risk of causing illness. During this time, people would mix wine, which was much lighter and less potent than what we are used to today, with spices such as cinnamon. Sangria was introduced to the United States when it was brought to the 1964 world’s fair in New York City. This spiked punch usually mixes in red wine, simple syrup, a few drops of brandy and chopped fruit.

Today’s Birthdays of Note….

Harvey Firestone– Tire Manufacturer – born in Columbiana, Ohio

Bob Hayes – Olympic Runner & Pro Football – born in Jacksonville, Florida


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