Prioritize: Monday Motivation June 19, 2023

Time is our most valuable resource, and it is always limited. We can’t manage time, but we can control the ordering of events and our response to those events we can’t control. Many of the most important events and tasks in business and life are not urgent but planned. Most often, we confuse urgency with importance. If everything is important, then nothing is important, and everything isn’t urgent. Most of us have seen the metaphor of putting rocks, pebbles, and sand in a jar where the big rocks represent high-value goals and events, the pebbles lesser value events, and the sand is the trivial events and the jar as the constraint of time. If we put the sand in first and then the pebbles, we run out of space for the big rocks. However, if we put the big rocks in first, we still have room for all the pebbles, and the sand fills the remaining space.

I define “time management” as prioritizing and organizing events to best utilize the time available to pursue my goals. I contend that if we focused on one high-value goal for the year, broken into 12 intermediate goals for each month, then four supporting goals for each week, and 5 supporting those for each day of the week, we could accomplish 240 goals that would change our lives.

All of this is to say that priority matters. The key is always to do the most important thing first and avoid many trivial distractions. While having the internet and a phone in our pocket is convenient, we often allow the urgency of a “notification” to distract us from what is essential. Creating a daily prioritized action list can solve this problem. This list isn’t a “to-do list” but a prioritized action list with the highest-value tasks that support your highest goals.

So this week, pick out the project or task that will create the most significant value for you and identify five parts. Make each piece your highest priority for each day of the week, and make an appointment with yourself on your calendar. Make it the day’s first appointment, and watch your productivity skyrocket this week.

If you need help with time management or want to learn more about leadership, sign up for my newsletter or set up an appointment at the link below

Remember, “all things are possible through prayer and heavy deadlifts.”™


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