Professional Goals: Monday Motivation May 15, 2023

Goals are the roadmap to our vision and the objectives for our mission. Professional goals are how we manage our careers, but the days of joining a company for an entire career are done. A recent study showed that people would hold an average of twelve different jobs throughout their lives and in multiple industries. The average tenure in a position is four years. This short tenure means clarity in your mission is even more critical and is not a reason to forego a personal strategic plan with professional goals.

On the contrary, the more clearly you plan your goals, the more prepared you will be to move to the next job or industry. You can design your career by gaining clarity on your mission, purpose, and goals. All of these depend on identifying your values, vision, and unifying principles. Identifying and writing your values, vision, and unifying principles, which I have spoken about extensively, is challenging because those are your core, character, and operating principles. Writing your mission and purpose isn’t easy, but it should flow directly from your unifying principles as their manifestation in life and answers the question, who do you serve and why?

Having done all of the previous, writing goals is methodical. If you know twelve jobs or two or five, write them down and prioritize them with the ones you most desire as the highest priority unless one is in preparation for the next. Then under each job, write down the definition of what excellence in the position entails. Next, write down what you need to know and the abilities you need to be successful in that job. Next, write down all the people you know who can help you prepare for that job. Now add time. When you will begin and attain these goals.

You can apply this formula to the job you’re in today. If you want a raise, figure out the more significant problem you will solve that will entitle you to higher pay. Now, apply the same steps above.

This week start the process! Build your plan fifteen minutes per day until you’ve got it done.

If you need help, set up a call at the link

Remember, “all things are possible through prayer and heavy deadlifts.”™


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