On September 17th at 4:00 PM from sea to shining sea, bells will ring across America in celebration of the United States Constitution!
It was on this date in 1787, at the Pennsylvania State House, now better known as Independence Hall, the framing of the U.S. Constitution culminated at about 4:00 after 100 days of intense conversation and deliberation.
The U.S. Constitution is the oldest and the shortest major written governance document in the world. This document, with a few amendments added here and there, is essentially the same document that established the basis of our governing laws at the founding of our country.
Push your “send all” button and help spread the word.
Fly your flag from the 17th through the 23rd!
It’s Constitution Week. Let’s celebrate in a big way,
By sending this e-mail all across the USA!
So, to observe the hour and the day
That our nation declared its say,
You and others will really “rock”
If you ring a bell at 4 o’clock!
– Becky Lynn is a writer for EllisDownHome.com. She and her husband Bob enjoy spending time with their 8 grandchildren and traveling. Becky loves cranking up the music and heading to the kitchen to try out new recipes or cook for an upcoming party. She is passionate about continuing to be a life-long learner!