Scribble Stones is a wonderful children’s book written by Diane Alber. It is a fun story that starts off with a happy little stone who dreams of being something amazing, but ends up being a dull paperweight who just sits on a short pile of plain white paper next to a rather large red cup. He was very sad.
One day some bright scribbles came wiggling by, headed right toward the short stack of paper and filled up the paper with scribbles on the front and the back. They were making art, but they were also about to run out of paper. What a disaster!
Stone didn’t want the scribbles to be sad, so he had an idea – they could make their art on him! The scribbles had so much fun painting on Stone, and soon more stones came to join in the fun. Stone looked amazing and became a small gift to brighten someone’s day.
Every time he traveled, someone added their part – maybe a scribble or perhaps fancy art. Soon scribble stones were seen everywhere bringing happiness and fun wherever they went.
There is actually a Scribble Stone Art Project that you and your children can do. Basically, all you do is find a stone and add some art, then give it away and let someone know that your scribble stone makes happiness grow by adding some more art and giving it away too.
What a fun project for your whole family! You can click here to view a reading of this book on YouTube.
– Becky Lynn is a writer for EllisDownHome.com. She and her husband Bob enjoy spending time with their 8 grandchildren and traveling. Becky loves cranking up the music and heading to the kitchen to try out new recipes or cook for an upcoming party. She is passionate about continuing to be a life-long learner!