Take a Hike Day
November 17th
When the National Trail System was established in 1965 there were approximately 103,000 miles of tails to hike. By 2015, those trails had increased to 236,000 miles. In 2013, there were more than 34 million hikers, 9 million backpackers and 8 million mountain bikers. The Appalachian Trail covers 2,158 miles.
Homemade Bread Day
November 17th
There is archaeological evidence showing bread was made in Europe more than 30,000 years ago. Each American consumes an estimated 54 pounds of bread each year. In the late 1990s, Kansas farmers produced enough wheat to make 36.5 million loafs of bread, or enough for six slices of bread for every human in the world. Today highlights the importance of bread and you are encouraged to make some home-made bread to celebrate.
Today’s Birthdays of Note….
Danny DeVito – Actor – born in Neptune, New Jersey
Rock Hudson – Actor – born in Winnitka, Illinois