Welcome, Kevin and Ellis County Weather!


Crouch joins the Sun and Ellis DownHome to provide weather-related stories

For the past six years, Kevin Crouch has worked hard to provide residents with critical weather information through his Ellis County Weather social media sites. Crouch is expanding that mission as he joins the staff at the Waxahachie Sun and Ellis DownHome.

“Kevin’s skill set, commitment, character, and desire to be the No. 1 source for weather fits perfectly with the Sun and Ellis DownHome’s mission,” Publisher Scott Brooks said. “We couldn’t be happier to have Kevin join our team.

“Given Kevin’s passion for the weather and his talent for spreading the word about it, Ellis County Weather has become the go-to place for all things weather-related,” Brooks said. “From storms to major developments, Kevin has a unique, effective way of keeping the good people of Ellis County informed when it comes to what they need to know about the weather. Our mutual desire is to enhance and increase the platforms by which Kevin informs all of us about the weather in Ellis County.”

Ellis County Weather started out on Twitter and later expanded by adding a Facebook page to reach more people. The weather has always interested Crouch, with the idea to create a dedicated local information source brewing for a long time.

“I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have an interest in weather,” Crouch said. “Over the years, the more that I have learned the more I have gained a healthy respect. It has really become something that I have a passion for.

“I am looking forward to working with everyone at Ellis DownHome and the Sun to bring more interesting content to people, more helpful information, and grow the operation that I have going for Ellis County Weather,” he said.

The idea for Ellis County Weather came about when Crouch noticed other area media outlets were not covering Ellis County and the areas south of I-20 much. Their focus was more north and in larger cities such as Dallas, Fort Worth, Plano, and Denton. He wanted to change that and be a resource for people locally.

Via its social media, Ellis County Weather communicates directly with residents about storms that are affecting them. One of the first major weather events it covered through Twitter was when tornados moved through the county Dec. 26, 2015. During this incident, Crouch was able to provide the public with critical information.

Since that initial storm coverage, Ellis County Weather’s presence has continued to grow and now numbers more than 900 followers on Twitter, and 26,000-plus followers on Facebook.

With the move to work full time at Ellis Down Home and the Waxahachie Sun, Crouch said Ellis County Weather’s mission will only continue to expand in remaining a trusted source for people.

“The main thing to emphasize is nothing is going to change in Ellis County Weather,” Crouch said. “Things will only improve. I am not going anywhere. I will continue to run it. I will continue to be dedicated to bringing that timely and important severe weather coverage as well as the content that people have gotten used to. I am still going to be there, and it is going to be under my leadership. People can continue to rely on me even if I am making this change.”

Crouch said people with storm information or have ideas about weather-related content can reach out to him via the Sun’s main office number at 972-316-7707 or directly through Ellis County Weather’s Facebook page.


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