Who’s in Charge? Succession: Monday Motivation October 23, 2023


During field training in the Marines, we regularly conducted a drill that started with “The Lieutenant is dead; who’s in charge?” We had a mission that must continue; our lives and others lives depended on our mission. In almost every leadership position in the Marines, there is a second in command of the organization, and the rank structure takes over beyond that if necessary. However, the key was that leadership had to pass to the one most capable of assuming command. I have witnessed the most junior, quietest Marine take leadership of a squad when all those senior to him were incapacitated due to extreme cold. Most companies won’t have to contend with severe weather or an enemy trying to kill them, but other challenges and catastrophes may make a succession of leadership necessary. Like all of the essential processes of your organization, you should have a plan for the succession of leadership. Here are five recommendations to start:

First, identify the critical positions in your company. Include your leaders and managers in the discussion and the process below.

Identify the skills that are necessary for those critical positions. The talents of the incumbents are a good start.

Find potential successors. The leaders and managers down to the lowest level will identify hidden talent besides the obvious candidates.

Start developing the talent; if you don’t have a training and development program, start.

Monitor progress, assess performance, and provide feedback so your candidates progress and you track them.

Succession planning doesn’t have to be complicated, but you should integrate it with developing your people. Developing leaders from within will always make the organization stronger.

Get started this week by asking, “Who will take my place?” Then, start training them.

If you need help with your organization or want to learn more about leadership, sign up for my newsletter at the link below:


Remember, “all things are possible through prayer and heavy deadlifts.”™


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