There are so many different brands and kinds of cameras on the market that someone new to photography could become confused very quickly. What type of photography do you want to do? Will you be shooting inside or out in the elements? Will your subjects be moving or still? All of these questions are very important in influencing your decision when purchasing your equipment. Let’s make this “snappy” as we take a look at some great advice on what camera is right for the job.
What Are The Different Types of Cameras Used for Photography?
Thanks to modern technology, not only has it become a regular everyday thing to capture photos (unlike during the earlier generations when only film cameras were available), but more and more types of cameras are being developed to suit every aspiring photographer and photography enthusiast’s artistic style and needs. Want to read more, CLICK HERE
Beginners Guide To Different Types of Digital Cameras
There is no shortage of digital cameras these days. But for any beginner in photography, it can be a daunting prospect trying to settle on the right one for them. Understanding how the different types of cameras differ could give you a good indication of which one might be right for you. CLICK HERE for additional information.
What Camera Do You Need To Shoot Like A Pro?
Let’s start with a little quiz. What one thing makes a pro camera a pro camera? Build quality? Weather sealing? Fast autofocus? Fast motor drive? Dual SD card slots? Don’t think too long over the answer because it’s none of the above. A pro camera is a camera that a pro uses. Period. CLICK HERE to learn more.
Photography is a beautiful art. The skill of this beautiful art is in the eye of the beholder. Ellis County has one such skilled photographer, Scott Dorsett. Many of you know him by his photography and many probably know about the tragic accident that Scott was involved in a few years ago. So, in a little different twist for this post, share a favorite photo you have taken in the comments section below and we’ll be sure that Scott sees them.