Curtis Home Virtual Christmas Tour

Lynn Home Virtual Christmas Tour

In The Spotlight: Mint

Who doesn’t like the smell of mint? I certainly do. In fact, the last thing I do after cleaning the house, is spritz a little peppermint essential oil in each room to signify the cleaning is done!...

Easy Fall Recipes

Each season brings its own beauty and bounty. While I could never get enough of fresh veggies from the garden, I am enjoying cooking with an autumn twist – more soups, squash, quick breads and of course...

Thank You Lidia!

It is probably no surprise to learn that I love to watch cooking shows. One of my favorites is called Lidia’s Italy which features award-winning chef and restauranteur Lidia Bastianich who specializes in Italian and Italian-American cuisine....

Bundt Cake Day!

Any kind of cake baked in a bundt pan is considered a bundt cake. Bundt pans come in all kinds of sizes and designs. After the cake is baked and turned out of the pan, it will...

Pies – It Is All About The Dough

With the holiday season just around the corner, everyone, including myself will be jumping into the holiday baking spirit soon! Nothing can beat the taste of a homemade apple, pecan or heck, even a pumpkin pie! A...

Bruschetta Or Crostini?

Italian food is known for its use of simple and fresh ingredients that are combined to make delicious, no-fuss dishes. Both bruschetta and crostini are examples of Italian cuisine that is easy and tasty. So, what is the...

Lantana, Pansies, and Kale – OH MY!

Each of us gardens for a different reason. Some of us want food, such as tomatoes, peppers, potatoes. Others want beautiful flowers. A friend of mine gardens for the wild animals that visit her garden. Me, I garden...

The Color Orange

You have probably heard that you should eat a rainbow of foods – red, yellow, orange, blue purple and white. Each color is loaded with specific nutrients that help make a well-balanced diet, and while each color...


Vets & Pets

This page lists animal shelters, pet groomers, veterinarians, kennels, pet boarding and other...

Beauty Salons