“In this day and age, if you are not changing, you’re moving backward.”
– Andrew McNally,IV
Here are 6 ways to help you adjust to change.
Since we last visited on this subject, I have chosen to REVISE the 6 ways:
- Take advantage of the situation
- Find humor in the process
- Talk about it with others
- Take “baby steps”
- Accept the past and fight for the future
- Don’t accept status quo
Let’s break these down a bit and apply them to the process. Just so you know, I am a story teller. A very good friend of mine, Thelma Wells of Women of Faith fame, renowned speaker, author, and other accolades, wrote a book about the effectiveness of story telling when speaking or writing. I concur with her endorsement and have used it in speaking and writing. So, here goes.
First, can you identify with being drawn into an uncomfortably situation where a major change was about to take place in your life? Let me share one such event that took place in my life.
- Take advantage of the Situation!
In the late 80s, having gone through a heart wrenching divorce, I was ready to move on with life. One day, my boss approached me with an opportunity to transfer to Austin, TX and take responsibility for being the senior trainer for multiple branch banks in the central and southern part of Texas – a gigantic undertaking and challenge. Banking then was in major turmoil due to constant changes brought on by transition of the industry. Banks were being merged with others, bank signs were being put up with Velcro and there was general chaos that was rampant in the industry. I knew I would be challenged to the hilt when I made the move as my role became focused on calming the storms that were prevalent.
With fear and trepidation, I agreed to take the move – a huge change for me. I was buying my home in Cedar Hill, TX and had pretty much begun my journey of single life. After contacting a friend of mine who managed rental property, we came to an agreement to lease my home during the move. Move day came and I settled in a nice rental duplex in Austin. The first few months had me question my decision to move as I faced resentment as an unwelcome stranger in the midst of a lion’s den. I was an outsider from Dallas! As I pondered my decision to make the move, I began to process how my “calling” to my work could be used in a hostile environment.
And I did! Slowly, I was able to develop credibility among the branches until I was recognized as a valuable resource to help bring positive changes within the troops during a chaotic period. I was part of the “TEAM” and that brought me to a point of it being the most successful stage of my banking career – developing TRUST and RESPECT. I was no longer an adversary, but a leader among other successful people. How? Frankly, my personality is to be a friend that can be trusted by helping others be successful by not caring who gets the credit. Then too, one of my goals was to involve the team to be a part of the solution to bring about change. It worked, albeit slowly at first.
Benefits: When you are faced with a situation of significant change, try developing the possible benefits. List them and do not be bashful. After all, they are for your encouragement so there is no right or wrong. My examples when I moved to Austin, Texas:
- Found a really nice place to live – CHEAP
- No out-of-pocket dollars for me for the move
- Regained confidence in my abilities
- Enjoyed continual success in my career
- Reconnected with a couple who helped me renew my faith in Jesus Christ
- Found a great faith-based church
- Was connected with a great medical team who discovered I had need for 6-way heart bypass surgery
- Surgery was successfully completed in Dallas
- Executive management within the organization was supportive of me and my mission
- Trials became victories in many arenas
- Became the man who believes God can and will provide in all areas of life
Next time, we will talk about the benefits of finding HUMOR in the process!
If you missed my first article on Change, click here to read it!