First-Time Caregivers
Taking care of a family member or close friend is one of the most important and complicated roles you will play. It could happen suddenly as a result of an accident or illness, or it could be a gradual process as your loved one becomes less able to do things like drive. Many of us will be either a caregiver or need a caregiver. Where do you start
Start the Conversation
AARP has a very informative article about help for first-time caregivers. The most important thing you can do it says is talk about the future now before a crisis occurs. Ask your loved one about their wishes and preferences on things like health and finances. Having this conversation about the future can eliminate problems later on. Getting this conversation started may be rather stressful for both of you. Please check out this AARP article that gives you five quick tips for getting this conversation started. Click here to read.
Difficult Family Conversations
Amy Goyer is a caregiving expert and has a blog with more helpful tips on these difficult, but essential conversations. Her first tip is to “observe before you act.” She says spend time with your loved ones and gather accurate, specific information about your concerns. Be supportive and loving and don’t make the conversation a power-play. Your role should always be to support your loved one and help them be as independent as possible. Communicate effectively. Instead of saying “you need to”, say “I am concerned about..” Click here to view Amy’s article.
In the weeks to come we will continue to explore the subject of care-giving. I hope you will visit these two easy to read and informative sites. Maybe it is time to talk!