Ukulele music playing in the background, friends laughing and playing games and eating yummy food from Tiki bars. Tiki torches, flower leis, coconuts and grass skirts make me think it is time for a Hawaiian Luau.
Lots of Ideas and Planning
You will have a ton of fun planning and hosting your party. Creating the atmosphere of a luau party means gathering fun ideas and activities and planning to have great results. Click here for simple, cheap DIY luau decorations, great outfits and yummy food. Click here for more luau party ideas.
Kids Just Want to Have Fun
Party games can be a lot of fun for the kids and adults. These games are easy to do and add lots of laughs for everybody. If you have a backyard pool, there are fun games to play and add games placed around the yard in the area so party players can travel easy from one game to the next. Click here for some great ideas!
Refreshment Bar Carts and Snack Carts
Refreshment and snacks can be set up around the yard for guest to enjoy. Cold fruit drinks will add to the refreshment bar and foods. Click here for more ideas.