Summertime in Texas often brings brown grass along with cracked earth to our yards which presents a challenge to those who work hard to keep their lawn attractive year-round. The Texas heat can definitely wreak havoc on flower beds and other landscaping projects so, let’s take a look at some ideas for plants that will bring beauty to your yard yet are hearty enough to withstand the Texas summer heatwave.
15 Super Plans for Texas Landscapes
Texas Superstar Plants identifies superior landscape plants for Texas. Combining the expertise of university and industry leaders, the cooperative program also promotes their introduction in the marketplace. With input from Texas A&M University horticulturists, nursery professionals, growers, arboretum and botanical garden representatives, and other experts, the program’s combined efforts bring superior landscape plants for Texas to the attention of consumers through an active marketing campaign. To find out what plants will work for this heat, CLICK HERE
Texas Landscaping Plants: Landscape Designer Picks
Depending on the source, Texas has either four, five or even seven geographical regions, each with its own distinct features and climatic conditions. Whatever the number, we can all agree that different areas of the state are host to varying plant species based on unique patterns of hot and cold weather, seasonal rainfall and other factors, all of which affect the types of Texas landscaping plants that gardeners can choose from to elevate the aesthetic of your outdoor spaces. CLICK HERE to find out more information.
Texas Desert Landscape
Texas can be a challenging place to create and maintain beautiful landscapes. Drought is common and weather can be extreme. However, with a little knowledge and professional help you can have the landscape of your dreams. Browse the Texas landscaping resources above to begin gathering ideas for your project. To read more about ideas and the do’s and don’ts for summer landscaping projects, CLICK HERE
So, what are you doing to beautify your yard this summer? Share your ideas and photos with us in the comments section below.