Honey has been called the “Miracle Food” and for good reason! Honey contains carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and amino acids which are essential for a healthy body. Honey also acts as an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agent and it’s FREE – fat-free, cholesterol free and sodium free! There are many benefits of keeping a jar of honey in your pantry and in your medicine cabinet as well. Honey is known to boost energy levels, help keep your blood sugar regulated, control allergies, boost your memory and much, much more. If you want to learn additional information about the benefits of honey, click here.
The One Thing That Can Do Anything!
On the National Honey Board website, it states that “honey is a one-ingredient recipe made by bees, flowers and Mother Nature herself. Bees have been making honey and people have been using honey for thousands of years. This National Honey Board site is so informative and also has lots of recipes both sweet and savory using honey. I found one I cannot wait to try. It’s called a Bee-lini. All you do is muddle 4 to 6 raspberries with a tablespoon of honey in the bottom of a champagne flute, and add prosecco and a fresh raspberry for garnish. Doesn’t that sound like the perfect warm weather refresher? (I’ll let you know!) Click to get to this “honey” of a site. CLICK HERE
Sweet and Savory
I have come to the conclusion that honey may be one of the most versatile ingredients you can have in your kitchen. There are recipes for everything from appetizers, drinks and salads to side dishes, entrees and of course, desserts made with honey. You can actually substitute honey for white and brown sugar in most recipes. I found two recipes I can’t wait to try: Grilled Peaches with Honey Cream and Spicy Honey-Brushed Chicken Thighs. Check out all the recipes with a CLICK HERE