Why can’t we all just get along and love one another?
Mark 12:31:
King James Version: “The second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.”
The Living Bible: “The second is: ‘You must love others as much as yourself.’ No other commandments are greater than these.”
Difficult words to live by? Certainly! What is one word that can sum up what this means and what we should all strive for? UNITY.
Have you been to a wedding where the bride and groom lights a single candle at the same time with each of their individual candles? Why do they do this? It’s a message and commitment of uniting in harmony and spirit.
What if the citizens of Waxahachie strove to know and a reflection of Christ and His ways to love and serve one another across boundaries? This is the goal of the theme “Love Your Neighbor”. Our nation is facing adversities and threats in multiple areas of our lives. We can be an expansion of love in action by committing to be a partner with “Love Your Neighbor” as it spreads to many areas of our great city.
Watch for ways this plan is put into action in 2020 via: car decals, T-shirts, business and theme promotions. When someone comes to Waxahahcie, they will say, “WOW! This community knows and lives Christ.”
We hope to expand Love Your Neighbor to all of Ellis County in 2021 or sooner!