It was a pleasure to sit down with Mike and Laura Moore and hear their story of how Moore Time Ranch came into being. In Laura’s words, she thought it was “crazy” at first. Where would Mike find the time? Where would the money come from? She is the balance to the dreamer that is Mike, and their partnership and marriage has to be strong and equally supportive to take on a dream like this. While Mike was recently at a board meeting for the ministry, Laura led the kids to stop and pray for their dad. Their family unit, Laura’s support, and of course God Himself, is the foundation that Moore Time Ranch stands on.
It all started years ago as Mike and Laura were involved in leading adult life groups at the Avenue Church. This time prepped them and seasoned them for what would be coming next. TEENS. Mike’s friend Jeremy began leading a group of teens at church, and basically roped Mike in. What Mike didn’t know is that this urging by his friend would alter the course of his life forever.
Mike began to mentor boys from ages 16-18. He realized quickly that even though these boys were in church or visiting with friends, some were living with great struggles. Whatever their story, a commonality remained – they had lost their way, lost their hope, and needed a safe place to land. Jeremy and Mike began to mentor this group of boys with more intentionality. They not only mentored, but tutored and became friends with these boys. They lived life with them. They, essentially, became that safe place that these boys desperately needed. In Mike’s testimonial on their website he says, “These were God’s children and I had not raised them in their younger years so I didn’t know their history. Yet I felt called by GOD to pour into their lives sharing the love of Christ with no idea how they would respond or if they would even accept and receive HIS love. It was a learning experience for all involved. Each week as we prepared to spend time with them, pray with them, and try to counsel and guide them, we grew closer to God, we grew closer to them, and knew our purpose was to impact Christ’s Kingdom, one young man at a time.”
Thus, the beginnings of Moore Time Ranch.
While Mike moved on from youth ministry for a few years after these boys graduated high school and began to disperse, many still stayed in touch and kept returning to that safe place when they needed it. Mike realized that the relational bond was strong, and God had used those pivotal years to build a foundation that was still sustaining, years later.
With a gigantic leap of faith, Mike and Laura purchased a 43-acre track of land in Cooper, Texas. This land grew to 70 acres in just a few months. They never should have been able to get approved for a loan like this. But, God worked in ways that surprised them, and He keeps providing and surprising them even now. The goal eventually is to have lodging, meeting and dining halls, outdoor and indoor activities and games, fire pits, and anything the beautiful, peaceful acreage can offer these boys – on their ranch in Cooper, TX. For now, the camps will be held at Lakeview Camp in Maypearl. The first camp is scheduled for Friday, October 25th, to Sunday, October 27th. With an intentionally small group of 10 boys and 10 mentors, each young man will be able to have a ton of personal one-on-one time to connect and start building a relationship. Throughout the weekend, each boy will be able to meet and speak with each mentor, and through that process, they will decide who will be their mentor to move forward with when the weekend comes to a close. You see, the camp itself will provide the groundwork for each boy to begin their journey with Moore Time Ranch, but it’s only the beginning! The mentors with MTR have committed to investing in these boys’ lives for FIVE YEARS. For this age group of 13-17 year olds, this will take some of them all the way through high school or into college. What an amazing opportunity to have a safe place in these formative years. For them to learn to put on the full armor of God each day and know what an impact that can have for their futures. And Mike cannot do this alone, many special people have helped along the way. Most of which, his core team, accountability brothers, and trusted friends, Jeremy Josey, Alex Doblado, and Daryl Johnston, are with him every step of the way, sharing his vision and purpose. Any success that he has in this ministry is attributed to these friends, the blessing they are to his life and all others they touch, this program that is designed to honor and follow only God, and being led by the Holy Spirit.
Moore Time Ranch is also 100% donor driven! That means that these camps are of absolutely no cost to these boys and their families. It is part of Mike’s vision that money should never get in the way of what God has led him and his team to do – shepherd and train young men.
We are cheering you on, Moore Time Ranch! We can’t wait to see what becomes of this incredible organization, and the stories of hope and redemption that are sure to come.
With full faith and complete trust that God is in this and the Holy Spirit will guide them, Moore Time Ranch will begin to change lives very soon. What an incredible heart and passion happening right here in our county! If you would like more information about Moore Time Ranch, their mission and vision, or how to donate and become a partner in their work, please click here.