No Tech – No Problem!
So you want to limit your children’s screen use, but then what will they do with all that extra time besides be bored and cranky? Seriously, children who were born into this world of electronic devices may not even know what to do if you limit their screen time. As parents, we need to show the way and provide opportunities to steer our kids away from staring at a screen to living a balanced life that is not always ruled by electronic devices!
Keeping Life Sane
Keeping Life Sane is a website that has some good ideas for kids to do without screens. Of course, you can always bring out board games such as Clue, Monopoly and Scrabble depending on the ages of your crew. How about a game called “Searching for Change” in which your kids go around the house looking for loose change like maybe under a sofa cushion. Whatever change they find, they get to keep! They could also do a nature walk or scavenger hunt, help out in meal preparations or write in a journal. The last idea on the list is the best – TALK TO EACH OTHER! Click here to see all the ideas.
Turn Off and Tune In
In this age of electronics, human connections are more important than ever. The Parents’ Network states that we should use our electronic devices more intentionally, so we have time for making and keeping our “people” connections. There are lots of suggestions on this site of things to do without electronics such as learn something new, do simple tasks and chores together with your children, or “explore” your backyard. For more details, click here.
Fun and Positive Activities to Do with Your Teenager
Your teenager most likely will not think playing a game of Clue is a good substitute for his cell phone or video game, at least at first! I found a website that is all about things you can do with or for your teenager. You could volunteer together at your church, school or in the community. You could plan meals and make dinner together or enroll in a class to learn a new skill like photography. How about going to a play or concert? It is recommended that you “schedule dates” with your teen so your precious together time doesn’t get lost in their hectic teenage lifestyle! Click here to read more.
I know you and your family will come up with some creative and fun ways to be unplugged!