Birdwatching is a hobby that will just never get old. I mean, have you ever just sat on your patio or porch swing and watched the birds as they go about their daily routine? What an amazing creature.
An attractive addition to your yard or garden can be a bird house. There are so many unique ways to achieve the look you want while providing a shelter for our beautiful feathered friends at the same time. Below you will find quite a few ideas for some unique birdhouses. Let’s examine and see if we can find one that makes your heart soar with anticipation.
15 DIY Birdhouse Plans and Ideas
Birdwatching is a favorite pastime for many. In fact, you might find yourself enjoying your chirping friends so much, that what started as one birdhouse in your yard might quickly multiply into half a dozen birdhouses. Unfortunately, pre-made birdhouses can get expensive. CLICK HERE to read more.
Build A One Board Birdhouse
A DIY birdhouse doesn’t get any easier than this! Learn how to build a nest box from single pine board. For simple step-by-step instructions, CLICK HERE
23 Best DIY Birdhouse Ideas With Plans And Tutorials
Attract birds in your garden or apartment balcony by providing them shelter. Here’re the 28 Best DIY Birdhouse Ideas with tutorials! To find out more, CLICK HERE
242 Best Birdhouses (DIY) for 2019
Here are some awesome ideas for your birdhouse. You are sure to find one that fits your style. CLICK HERE to take a look.
Once you have completed your birdhouse project, be sure to share the result with us in the comment section below.