
I saw something in a magazine recently that really got my attention. It was a picture of a large strawberry with the words “Brain Boost’ splashed across it. I love strawberries because they are delicious, and I assumed they were good for you because they are fruit, but after doing some research, I have discovered just how good they are for you.

  • Strawberry Trivia

    There is evidence that strawberries were first found in ancient Rome and France about 2,000 years ago. By the 1500s Europeans were using strawberries for medicinal purposes. The first strawberries were discovered in Virginia in 1588. Some say they were native to North America, but others say the early European settlers brought them. Strawberries aren’t really berries. They are called strawberries because of the stacks of straw the growers piled around the plants to protect them from hungry animals and insects. California produces about eighty billion tons of strawberries a year! This Dr. Axe website tells you about all the ways strawberries can be good for your health. There are some yummy recipes on it too. Click here to check it all out. CLICK HERE

  • Stop and Smell the Roses (I Mean Strawberries)!

    The strawberry is a member of the rose family, and isn’t a fruit or a berry, but the enlarged receptacle of the flower. Just one serving of strawberries (about eight strawberries) provides more calcium that an orange. Eating strawberries can help lower your cholesterol and blood pressure and guard against cancer. Strawberries are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. They are sodium-free, fat-free, cholesterol-free and low calorie. CLICK HERE

  • And There’s More!

    Strawberries are rather perishable, so you need to make sure to store them correctly. The Driscoll’s site says to make sure they are dry and in the original container when you put them in the fridge. Also, to enhance the natural flavors of the strawberries, let them come to room temperature before serving. CLICK HERE


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